Tuesday, November 29, 2011

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Why Living Water's Direct Disk Technology delivers the healthiest drinking water to your family. Living Water creates Glacier quality water by Alkalizing, Ionizing and purifying your drinking water.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Detox Your Body Alkaline Producing Foods - Skyrocket Your Health With Alkaline Producing Foods

!±8± Detox Your Body Alkaline Producing Foods - Skyrocket Your Health With Alkaline Producing Foods

If you are planning to detox your body by eating alkaline producing foods, then you should continue reading this article. In this article, we will be discussing on several points - why our body needs alkaline foods, the extent of alkalizing foods we should incorporate in our daily diet and 3 famous alkalizing foods that you can find in any places. After reading this article, you should have a full idea of how you can detox your body by restoring your body optimum pH level and ensure you have a healthy and vitalized future.

Our body optimum pH is slightly alkaline at about pH7.3. However, due to the exposure to toxin and diets that are highly acidifying, the pH environment in our body has changed. As a result, this causes numerous health disorders which include inefficiency in oxygen transferring (by our red blood cells), fatigue, migraine et cetera. According to numerous medical researches, our diet accounts for a huge proportion of our internal pH change. Therefore, we should see our daily diet as the main culprit that causes numerous physical and health disorder.

Many people seek helps from doctors when they are unwell. Often, doctors will prescribed some drugs just to comfort the people's need. However, according to the book "To Err Is Human: Building A Safer Health System (2000)", published by Institute Of Medicine (IOM), death due to medical errors and preventable adverse events exceeded death attributed to motor vehicle accidents, AIDS and even breast cancer. And, high proportion of the death due to medical errors are:

- unnecessary surgery
- unnecessary drug prescription
- wrong drug prescription
- drug allergy

Actually, many health disorders are linked with high toxicity and body pH deviation. According to the Textbook Of Medical Physiology, "The first step in maintaining health is to alkalize the body". Since diet accounts mostly for our internal pH change, therefore we should start incorporating alkalize producing foods in our daily diet to alkalize our body. With an optimum internal body pH environment, our organs will be able to function at their optimum levels, thus boosting our immune system, escalating our body metabolism and make us to be healthier and more energetic everyday.

A general to alkalize our body through eating alkalize forming foods is that your meal should be consist of:

- 50% of alkaline foods if you want to maintain your current health
- 70% of alkalizing foods if you want to improve your current health

Below are a list of alkaline foods that are medically proven to be effective in detoxing your body and maintaining your body pH:

- beetroot
- cabbage
- lemon

In conclusion, your current health can actually be improved through incorporating alkaline producing foods in your daily diet. Whilst this might be a long journey, it has been reported that many people receive significant improvement in their healths after following a healthy alkalizing diet for a week. Many medical treatments are actually unnecessary and often yield many side effects.

To choose between a cost-efficient, safe and healthy way for your future health, or an expensive and extremely short-term way to treat your diseases... Ultimately, it is your choice.

Detox Your Body Alkaline Producing Foods - Skyrocket Your Health With Alkaline Producing Foods

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chanson VS-70 Alkaline Water Ionizer

!±8±Chanson VS-70 Alkaline Water Ionizer

Brand : Chanson
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Price : $0.00
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 16:44:33
Usually ships in 24 hours

Industry design: It is easy and simple to operate with its touch panel. The Electro plating Faucet makes the kitchen elegant and graceful. It has voice message (Chinese and English language), real person pronunciation. It has: -Auto - adjust Functions - PH Consistency - The remaining water filter life - LCD display how much the remaining water filter life, so it is ensured by always changing your filter on time. - Self-Clean function Feature: - 262K color 1.1" TFT LCD Screen display filter life, PH-value, clock, time, over-heated water tempeture alarm and malfunction alarm. - Use Silver-adding Fiber Activated Carbon Filter (Lead reduction): remove lead ions from old pipes and silver-adding could anti-bacteria -Micro-adjust and PH-value locked to prevent kids and older adults mistakable drinking-Low Water Pressure shown on Display- Latest designed Panel: Anti-UV, free of leaking, abrasion and scratch, fast color, easy to clean and All-in-One (keypad and panel)- Easy change the filter cartridge from left case. - Comes with pH testing solution and color chart. - Reduced mineral deposits using Self-Wash system. - Filtration of diverse pollutants and microorganisms using high-quality filter. - Calcium may be added through an exterior opening, extending the range of pH selection

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

!±8± Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

Alkaline ionized water alkalizes, detoxifies, super-hydrates, anti-oxidizes and oxygenates your body, all of which are needed to give you the best chance of beating cancer. Does what you are drinking have the properties to help you heal yourself from disease?

Cancer cannot live and spread in an alkaline oxygen-rich body. It desires an acidic oxygen-deprived body. Switching to an alkaline diet can help you fight cancer, but drinking ionized water works at the cellular level where those cancer cells live. Change what you drink and you'll have the best chance of fighting cancer successfully.

What are you drinking?

Bottled water is acidic- not alkaline, and it is packaged in plastic bottles that leach chemicals. How do you feel about drinking plastic chemicals? Bottled water is often just filtered from a tap somewhere and has no healing powers. Many bottled waters don't even taste good.
Tap water is loaded with contaminants so chlorine and often fluoride, which are both very dangerous when consumed, are added to kill those bacteria. This treatment doesn't kill all of the harmful contaminants so some of those toxins remain even if you have a filtering system. Drinking from your tap can actually be hazardous to your health. No healing powers here.
Well water, though you don't have the chlorine and fluoride others get from their tap, you have bacteria due to all the pollutants and contaminants that end up in your water table. It may taste better than tap but I know plenty of people with a lot of health problems who drink from a well. If you have a well, when was the last time you tested it for bacteria? Dip a test strip into it and check the pH. At best I'll bet it is neutral if not acidic. Neutral and acidic are not properties that heal.
Distilled water goes through a process of boiling, evaporation and then the vapors are condensed. Distilling creates acidic water devoid of the important minerals your body needs. Drink it for very long and you deplete your body's mineral supply. You will surely end up with any number of diseases and finally death.
Reverse Osmosis is also dead acidic water that is depleted of minerals. Deplete your body's mineral stores and you may experience a long grueling journey of sickness and death.

Alkaline ionized water is first filtered and then through technology, the acidic minerals are separated from the alkaline minerals. The water containing alkaline minerals, when ionized, picks up a negative charge from the electricity making it an oxygen rich anti-oxidant. Ionization reduces the size of the molecules which allows your body to absorb it easily. It also detoxifies your body continuously and naturally. The absorption power super-hydrates you in a way you have never experienced before.

If you have cancer or any other disease, you need to start healing at the cellular level. It is best to start by changing what you are drinking.

Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Chlorinated Water and Milk

!±8± Chlorinated Water and Milk

Drink your milk, it's good for you. At least that is what the dairy industry would have you believe. Milk contains casein which is a glue-like substance that is actually used by some glue industry manufacturers to make powerful adhesives. Guess what it does to your body? And, in the presence of chlorine, the effect on your arteries, veins and digestive system is a clogging, gummy mess.

Federal government regulations require treatment of water that is piped to homes from lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Chlorine is the treatment of choice. It is an industrial waste product that they have to get rid of somehow. About three quarters of all homes have chlorinated water pouring out of their taps. Chlorine helps rid the water of infectious water-bourne disease but it does not rid the water of parasites like Cryptosporidium and it can cause serious harm to people who drink it and more serious harm to pregnant women.

If dairy processors clean their hoses with chlorinated water, the interior of the hose gets coated with a thick gummy layer of yellow gunk. The similarity to arterial plaque is uncanny. If you look at the segments of the population that drink milk and are exposed to chlorinated water, the statistics are alarming. Children are encouraged to drink milk by their parents. Other demographics are also encouraged to drink milk - pregnant women, athletes, people at risk of bone loss and the list goes on.

Studies done with rats and young roosters, feeding them chlorinated water with or without milk, both produced arterial plaque. The higher concentrations of chlorine in the water, produced higher levels of blood vessel clogging plaque. Some studies added milk to the mix with even more dramatic and higher levels of plaque resulted.

This information is not new. On July 11, 1992, the CBS show "Sixty Minutes" showed the results of experiments with two laboratory rats fed standard rat chow and chlorinated water. One of the rat groups had also been fed pasteurized, homogenized milk. The "milk fed" rats had high levels of arterial clogging, the other ones did not.

The young roosters, less than a year old were give divided into two group by J.M. Price, MD. One group was fed chlorinated water, the other group was fed non-chlorinated water. Needless to say the chlorinated group rapidly developed arterial plaque and the higher the concentration of chlorine, the thicker and gunkier the plaque.

Chlorine is highly acidic to the body, as is milk. But chlorine alone is responsible for long term risk of excessive free radical formation which makes the body turbo-age, in addition to causing cell damage and genetic mutation. Your genes are essential to a healthy life. Chlorine, through its genetic mutation capabilities, promotes cancer development, cholesterol metabolism difficulties, including destroying essential fatty acids in the body. It also promotes atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries. Combine chlorine with milk and you have a time bomb ticking away.

In one alarming study, autopsies performed on babies who died in their first month out of the womb, who lived in a city of highly chlorinated water, showed that in nearly 200 consecutive deaths, 96 per cent of them showed advanced arterial damage. Two of those babies' coronary arteries were blocked, causing infantile heart attacks. Could it have been the chlorine, like in the young roosters? We feed our babies milk and sometimes it is a powder, mixed with chlorinated water out of our tap.

Since both chlorinated water and milk are acidic to the body, they create all kinds of free radical damage. But as sure as the sun rises in the east, there is a solution. Since we cannot get local governments to take the chlorine out of your water, you can do it yourself. One of those filtering jugs that you can buy, is effective in removing the chlorine but it takes everything else with it including dissolved minerals. This results in a more acidic water which is equally as unhealthy.

Reverse osmosis water is banned for drinking in Europe. It has a skull and crossbones on the label, which also says, don't feed to pets. It is very hungry water and will pull minerals from your organs, bones and teeth to balance it in your body. No wonder osteoporosis, diabetes and teeth problems are endemic in North America.

So, what is the solution? Alkaline, ionized water. The machine has two filters. One takes out all the large particulate matter along with the chlorine and chlorine by-products. The other takes out the little stuff and has the filtering capacity of a kidney dialysis machine, 0.01 microns. So it takes out all the parasites and other little swimmy things.

Alkaline, ionized water adds vital minerals, alkalizing the water to counteract the acidity in what you eat and drink, like your milk. The machine reduces the cluster size so that it is 6 times more readily absorbed and hydrating that other water, or other beverages for that matter. Make your tea and coffee with this water, to counteract more acidity.

Alkaline, ionized water is the H2O, split in an electrolysis process into H+ and OH-. The H+ is the acidic component which is flushed out the waste tube. Chlorine and other contaminants bind to the H+ because they are all acids. They go down the waste tube together. The OH- is full of negative ions that the body loves. These negative ions zap some of the free radicals, donating electrons to them, rendering them harmless. Drinking this water acts like an antioxidant in the body. Chlorine destroys the antioxidant qualities of Vitamin E, rendering it ineffective in the body so drink alkaline, ionized water with your Vitamin E, accelerating its effects in the body, making the vitamin more efficient.

When the water passes through the components of the machine, it is filled with tiny bubbles of oxygen. This provides the body with more available oxygen in addition to the air you breathe. It makes things work more efficiently especially your muscles and your brain.

So drink your alkaline, ionized water and your milk. If you are a milk drinker, the alkaline, ionized water will start to reverse the damage caused by combining chlorine with milk. It will bring the body into an efficient repair mode that will take years off your life and make you feel fabulous. It will even begin to restore the mineral loss that your body has experienced from being too acidic.

Chlorinated Water and Milk

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Alkalize Your Body With Alkaline Antioxidant Water - It's the Easy Way

!±8± Alkalize Your Body With Alkaline Antioxidant Water - It's the Easy Way

To alkalize your body strictly by eating alkaline foods is a difficult task unless you are one who loves to eat massive amounts of raw vegetables every day. It is still important however that you begin to balance the acidic and alkaline food you eat in your diet, but the key element to easily alkalize your body is to drink alkaline antioxidant water.

To fight disease, to improve and often eliminate chronic pain and obtain optimum health you must alkalize your body properly. Allowing your body to stay in an acidic state which caused your health problems in the first place, is giving your body all the tools it needs for disease to thrive. Additionally, if you don't have health problems yet and you have an acidic body, these acids are paving the way for inviting disease. Alkaline antioxidant water neutralizes the acids your body naturally creates during metabolism allowing you to alkalize your body much easier and much more thoroughly than trying to alkalize through diet alone.

Why Alkaline Antioxidant Water works to alkalize your body

Your body metabolizes into acid all the food you eat, the things you drink, the air you breathe and other contaminates you take in through your skin. Alkaline antioxidant water helps to neutralize these acids helping you alkalize your body more easily. When you drink alkaline antioxidant water at the rate of at least one-half ounce per pound of body weight it not only helps neutralize body acids, it also works to detoxify your body of acids and toxins that have been building up over time. Your body is 70% water. That means you HAVE to stay properly hydrated in order for all body systems to work efficiently. Alkaline antioxidant water super-hydrates your body because of its micro-clustering properties. It is more easily absorbed by your body which helps to alkalize your body, which in turn causes you to crave MORE water...and the more the better! Oxidation is the rust on a pipe or the brown color that develops when you cut an apple. Aging and disease is the result of your body oxidizing. Anti-oxidants are the little buggers that fight oxidation. You will get more antioxidants from alkaline antioxidant water than from any amount of food or supplement on the market. Your body needs STABLE OXYGEN not ACTIVE OXYGEN. Stable oxygen energizes your body and helps all body systems function at the cellular level. This is wonderful because you will not only alkalize your body, but you will notice more energy and better mental clarity when you drink fresh quality alkaline antioxidant water.

Alkalize Your Body With Alkaline Antioxidant Water - It's the Easy Way

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