Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

!±8± Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

Alkaline ionized water alkalizes, detoxifies, super-hydrates, anti-oxidizes and oxygenates your body, all of which are needed to give you the best chance of beating cancer. Does what you are drinking have the properties to help you heal yourself from disease?

Cancer cannot live and spread in an alkaline oxygen-rich body. It desires an acidic oxygen-deprived body. Switching to an alkaline diet can help you fight cancer, but drinking ionized water works at the cellular level where those cancer cells live. Change what you drink and you'll have the best chance of fighting cancer successfully.

What are you drinking?

Bottled water is acidic- not alkaline, and it is packaged in plastic bottles that leach chemicals. How do you feel about drinking plastic chemicals? Bottled water is often just filtered from a tap somewhere and has no healing powers. Many bottled waters don't even taste good.
Tap water is loaded with contaminants so chlorine and often fluoride, which are both very dangerous when consumed, are added to kill those bacteria. This treatment doesn't kill all of the harmful contaminants so some of those toxins remain even if you have a filtering system. Drinking from your tap can actually be hazardous to your health. No healing powers here.
Well water, though you don't have the chlorine and fluoride others get from their tap, you have bacteria due to all the pollutants and contaminants that end up in your water table. It may taste better than tap but I know plenty of people with a lot of health problems who drink from a well. If you have a well, when was the last time you tested it for bacteria? Dip a test strip into it and check the pH. At best I'll bet it is neutral if not acidic. Neutral and acidic are not properties that heal.
Distilled water goes through a process of boiling, evaporation and then the vapors are condensed. Distilling creates acidic water devoid of the important minerals your body needs. Drink it for very long and you deplete your body's mineral supply. You will surely end up with any number of diseases and finally death.
Reverse Osmosis is also dead acidic water that is depleted of minerals. Deplete your body's mineral stores and you may experience a long grueling journey of sickness and death.

Alkaline ionized water is first filtered and then through technology, the acidic minerals are separated from the alkaline minerals. The water containing alkaline minerals, when ionized, picks up a negative charge from the electricity making it an oxygen rich anti-oxidant. Ionization reduces the size of the molecules which allows your body to absorb it easily. It also detoxifies your body continuously and naturally. The absorption power super-hydrates you in a way you have never experienced before.

If you have cancer or any other disease, you need to start healing at the cellular level. It is best to start by changing what you are drinking.

Cancer - Alkaline-Ionized Water is the Best Water to Drink to Give Your Body the Tools to Heal

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